Monday, January 21, 2008

Blitzer's "Tough Questions"

For a week or so, CNN has promised that Wolf Blitzer was going to ask "tough questions" during tonight's debate. I can't imagine what Wolf might think is a tough question, but I have some that he didn't think worth asking:

The Patriot Act?
New Orleans?
Valerie Plame?
Extraordinary Rendition?
The missing money from Iraqi oil?
The number of Iraqi children killed?
Cluster bombs?
The Carlyle Group?
September 11?
Election fraud?
The International Monetary Fund?
The World Bank?
The United Nations?

Blitzer did ask which candidate Martin Luther King would endorse. Jesus, Wolf.
Great question. And tough. Maybe Wolf (and America) should read Martin Luther King.

CNN, tough reporting for neocons.

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