Friday, November 19, 2010

Presidential Medal of Freedom?


Hateful Days

by: William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed

Protesters outside of the groundbreaking of the George W. Bush Presidential Center. (Photo: Ian Aberle / Flickr)

There is a great deal of hate in my heart today. Not the healthiest condition to find myself in, but these things sometimes cannot be helped. The hate is a free-flowing thing, expanding in all directions because, simply put, there is something to revile and despise in virtually every direction I turn. Sarah Palin's ridiculous reality show was a ratings blockbuster. Hateful. George H. W. Bush is getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom, because Mr. Obama just can't help sucking up to the very Republicans who are about to make a project out of throttling his administration. Hateful. There will be no punishment for those who destroyed CIA evidence of rampant torture during the Bush administration. Wildly hateful.

Read the rest here

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